My sister's best friend, Vali, sent me some 70's polyester print loungewear and the only thing I could think of is ::verypurpleperson:: 's paper bag skirt, so this is what I did. It took me about 2 hours, a quickie in sewing terms. To tell you the absolute truth, I never thought I'd be sewing an elastic waistband for myself, ever, I'm still not sure I like the bulk at the waist, but it's a happy comfy summer thingy and this is a good thing.

Photo courtesy of Maison Martin Margiela from
I am easily distracted...
I rarely come accross arresting fashion pictures anymore. Not that I don't know what's going on, just that I am rarely stopped in my tracks by a new garment. And with the 80's back on, having lived that fashion decade rather fully, I have a bad case of "been there, done that" which comes with old age and some wisdom about what actually suits me. If I want to go 80's, I should go in the attic and do some refashion! Also, I really don't feel like wearing XXXXL t-shirts ever again, I am 5'3", it never looked good on me.
...I digress...
So yesterday, I'm checking out my iPhone app in bed and I came upon this dress, worn by Natalie Press (wiki says she is an actress) which I assume is a Margiela dress since it was worn at a Margiela exhibit opening.
...I go on tangents...
The dress has got a certain Elizabethan flair : big sleeves with gashes, the font V shape, side pleats and it's not stiff and not too little girly either. So I just went and got lost on the net looking up Elizabethan Costumes, Elizabethan Clothing, Elizabethan Clothing Restrictions which made me think of the fabulous history work done by Suzannah at Cargo Cult Craft about British Wartime Clothing Restrictions. Where was I?
...and I wander back.
Why do I like this dress? Let me count the ways, it's red, it's timeless (5 years from now, it'll still elicit compliments from me) and what I like most is that you cannot tell which Margiela collection it's from or if it's from him, unless that's your job to know this stuff.
Do I want to make this in red velvet? Yes! Will I? It all depends on how distracted I'll be!
cargo cult craft
natalie press
Bag Serendipity
Photo U-handblog
In a bit of bag serendipity, Gertie talked about making a children handbag yesterday and gave this fantastic link to U-Handbag, which had the immediate effect of making me want to make more elaborate bags because they sell everything you need AND tell you how to on their U-handblog.
Pfew! This is too much excitement for me, Thanks Gertie!
Crafting : The Year Of The Bag
My ::verypurpleperson:: handbag
I haven't been sewing, I've been crafting.
Dragées bags
Though I sew to craft, in my mind, it's not the same thing. There are no fitting issues, construction is moot, fabric is easier to work with, it doesn't involve much thinking and I can really knock'em off. It can also be very boring as far as problem solving goes, but they do make nice affordable gifts which is my intention here.
Another t-shirt re-fashion!
One year, I made Martha Stewart aprons, last year I made faux fur muffs and this is the "Year of The Bag". I started by copying a shopping bag I had with moderate success. I so wanted to copy the original, I French seam curved jean. Don't try this at home as the results will disapoint!
So I started looking for a bag I like and would use, which, took me some time. Here are a few free patterns I found which I might eventually make to break the monotony of making the same thing over and over again.
Both Butterick Retro Tie Bag and Wrist Bag look cool, all you have to do is give them your e-mail address and you'll be able to download it, Martha's Reversible Purse looks promising...
But for now, my fave of fave and the only one I have been making is verypurpleperson's which I have tested and love. I tweeked the construction method for the bigger bag to ease the pulling part because I added pockets and zippers inside for my phone, wallet and keys. So here is my first tutorial! Basically, I'm bagging the bag if you know what I mean, if you don't, write, I'll try to help.
Alexander Henry
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