Yves Saint Laurent

Photo Héloïse Levieux

Stunt dress!
The film was great, it's a very good love story. I am no movie critic of course, but this scenario is one we know too well, rare talent, manic depressive insecure personality, lots of enablers, drugs, alcool, tragedy. If we switched Saint-Laurent for Galliano or McQueen or Curt Cobain or Michael Jackson, the pitch would be the same. 
But yeah! I squeeled with excitement when I saw the Mondrian dresses and was moved to tears by his Ballets Russe collection. 77 pieces were loaned from the Fondation Pierre Bergé / Yves Saint Laurent for the film, each dress had a personal guard during filming, it was breathtaking.
While on the subject, I would like to have a word with Charlotte LeBon who plays Victoire. 
Please Mademoiselle, stop complaining about wearing tissue and sanitary napkins under your arms and being hot during filming. If wearing a spacesuit was required to get near these works of art, I would. You were very lucky to be able to touch these gowns, let alone being able to get into them. Your complaints are disgraceful and make you sound like a spoilt little brat which I am sure you are not. Have some respect for the conservation effort, it will benefit mankind.
Il fallait que je la porte!
Le film est super, c'est une grande histoire d'amour. Je ne suis pas critique de cinéma, mais c'est un scénario qu'on connait trop bien, un talent rare, personnalité anxieuse, maniaco-dépressive, des facilitateurs intéressés, drogues, alcool, tragédie. On pourrait faire sensiblement le même film avec Galliano, McQueen, Curt Cobain, Michael Jackson.
Mais ouiii! J'ai poussé des petits cris excités quand j'ai vu les robe Mondrian et j'ai pleuré comme une madeleine quand j'ai vu la collection des ballets russes. 77 vêtements ont été prêté par La Fondation Pierre Bergé / Yves Saint Laurent pour le film, chacun d'eux avaient un garde personnel pendant le tournage, ça m'a coupé le souffle. 
D'ailleurs, pendant qu'on est sur le sujet, j'ai un petit mot pour Charlotte LeBon qui joue Victoire.
S'il vous plaît Mademoiselle, arrêtez de vous plaindre d'avoir dû porter des serviettes papier ou hygiéniques sous les robes et d'avoir eu chaud pendant le tournage. Si on me conseillait de porter une combinaison spatiale pour m'approcher de ces oeuvres d'art, je le ferais. Vous avez une chance incroyable d'avoir pu toucher ces vêtements et je ne parle même pas de pouvoir les porter. Vos doléances vous déshonorent et vous donne l'air d'une petite enfant ingrate, ce que vous n'êtes certainement pas. Un peu de respect pour les efforts de conservation, ils sont bénéfiques pour l'humanité.

This coat is impossible to photograph! / Ce manteau est impossible à photographier

Then we went to the local Asian supermarket where I won an Academy Award for best overdressed customer!
Après, on est allées au supermarché asiatique où j'ai gagné le Génie (un César en France) de la cliente la plus trop distinguée!

Photos Madeleine Muszynski

Yves St-Laurent The Film / Le Film

Devinez où je vais demain?
J'ai eu une petite perm et je vais aller voir le film, un mercredi, jour des enfants quand habituellement je conduis et je regarde des cours Craftsy pendant que JrC fait du judo. Vais-je pousser le bouton jusqu'à porter ma Mondrian pour prendre un selfie? Peut-être.
Guess where I'm going tomorrow?
I got permission to go out on a Wednesday, children's day in France when I usually drive around and watch Craftsy classes when JrC is at judo.
Will I wear my Mondrian to take a selfie? Maybe.

The Week Of Plenty : Take 2

The day I wrote my second post, my sister said she'd picked up a Mondrian themed knitting magazine from 1977. St-Laurent was soooo ahead of it's time, that it took 11 years to trickle down to the mainstream.
I am not going to make this, knitting sweaters for Brittany weather is usless, it's never really cold, cardigans are warm enough and it rains a lot so I have been thinking about raincoats and a nice red wool coat for everyday wear this winter.

This one, from Armelle's vintage patterns collection, is a raincoat contender. I picked it up because I like the way the welt pockets are included into the princess seams. There is only one slight problem with  it. It's got no instructions! They probably were in the magazine that the pattern was mail ordered from. So I am looking for the March 1967 issue of Modes & Travaux no.795. Or if any of you knows how to do this, because I don't think I can make my own instructions for that pocket.

A quick look inside brought a big surprise, the pattern was stamped! A handmade pattern! 

Vogue Paris Original 1557

I make dresses I can’t wear anywhere. Sometimes twice.

One of the reason I don't wear this one, is that I can't walk with view B, it was designed for standing only.
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