Cuben Fiber Bags

There is some major thinking going on here.
Mr C brought home some Cuben Fiber sailcloth for me to play with. We are looking at ways to recycle a used up gennaker. So I made some bags. I did think about making rain gear with it, but this sailcloth is too stiff. I know some of the lighter fabric is used for mountain gear, if this sort of stuff interest you, Mr Ultra-Lite Skunk Works is the king as he sews all of his mountain gear himself.
I am not entirely satisfied with them but some bigger ideas are bubbling up so stay tuned. There might even be some Christmas shenanigans involved which you'll be able to read about on the Crafty Christmas Club. A great place to talk about our secret evil plans to shower our loved ones with handmade gifts.

Les Sacs en Cuben Fiber

L'usine à réfléchir fonctionne à plein pot.
Mr C m'a ramenĂ© un bout de gennaker en Cuben Fiber dans le but de trouver une manière de recycler une vieille voile. Alors j'ai fait des sacs. J'ai bien pensĂ© me faire un impermĂ©able, mais le tissu voile, c'est trop raide. Il existe des grammage plus lĂ©ger pour l'utilisation en randonnĂ©e et si ça vous intĂ©resse, le Monsieur Ultra-Lite Skunk Works est le roi du matĂ©riel fait maison.
Je suis pas entièrement satisfaite du rĂ©sultat, mais j'ai de nouvelles idĂ©es qui bouillonnent et elles arriveront certainement juste Ă  temps pour NoĂ«l, mais vous ne pourrez pas les lire ici puisque elles sont secrètes. Mes plans diaboliques de dĂ©cembre seront donc exposĂ©s et dĂ©veloppĂ©s en long et en large chez The Crafty Christmas Club un endroit gĂ©nial pour discuter cadeaux sans que la famille le sache.

Ahoy! Ohé! - Simplicity 7082

Nicolas loves his frock. / Nicolas adore sa redingote.

Here is one more construction note for you : it takes the better part of a day to sew 46 buttons solidly and here is what I had before me on Thursday morning.
Une autre petite note de construction : ça prend une demi-journée pour coudre 46 boutons solidement. Voici une photo de ce qui m'attendait jeudi matin.

Some Construction Notes - Simplicity 7082

If you think you are a bit retentive about your sewing, I sure am, you should check out the guys who are trying to dress like Jack Sparrow.
Every bit of the most tiny detail is discussed at length on forums full of pictures with video explanations and how-to's. So I would like to thank the guys for all the information they make available when I was making decisions about the pocket flaps or the number of buttons I needed to complete the coat. If you are having a Jack moment in your sewing, you can refer to Yordreem, SithCamaro and the guys on the Keep The Code message board for a boatload of information. I do dig you guys!

I made few changes to the pattern, the pocket flaps for one as I thought the patterned ones were too cartoon-like, I made real pockets in fact (and I used this tutorial to cut the. I added the requisite amount of mock buttonholes on the back vent (12 more buttons!) and on the front, I cheated my way out of hand embroidery by using the bee stitch on my machine. I spent most of my time on reinforcement as some serious swashbuckling will take place. I made a full lining which you saw the other day, and took some time to secure it in key points with little loops. 

The frock is not "screen accurate", but it'll be solid. I am spray painting the buttons today. Nicolas is coming Friday morning to pick it up so I better get to it!

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