Inspired by D&G

Remember this ad? 
I picked up this wonderful big wool-mohair-acrylic sweater, at the op-shop and all I had to do was to take it in from the cuffs all the way to the hips for a snug fit. I don't have a serger so I asked a local seamstress to do it for me. 

I just feel so fashionable right now!

Inspiré par D&G

Vous vous rappelez de cette pub?
J'ai trouvé cet énorme pull en laine-mohair-acrylique chez Emmaüs et tout ce qu'il y avait à faire, c'était de le reprendre sur les côtés des poignets jusqu'au hanches. Comme je n'ai pas de surjeteuse, j'ai demandé à ma couturière locale de le faire pour moi. 

Je me sens tellement à la mode!

T-Shirt Refashion

My sister went to see the Thunderbirds and all I got is a thousand t-shirts!

It's the best fitting shirt I ever had so I lifted the pattern minus the deep neckline and used it as the base for the new one. It bunches up a bit under the arm, I'll have to think about that when I refashion another shirt with that pattern, but I am quite happy with it.

How I did I know that, besides the school's name in bright yellow velvety stuff, that it was a French T? Look here, it had darts, on a t-shirt! Only in France!

Carlotta Stermaria is the proud winner of the giveaway and the T was sent to her today. We are all awaiting pictures!

Le T-Shirt Remasterisé

Ma soeur est allé voir les Thunderbirds (la Patrouille de France US) et j'ai reçu mille t-shirts.

C'est un t-shirt qui me va super bien alors j'ai tracé un patron basé dessus en modifiant un peu le décolleté. Ça fait des petits plis en dessous des bras, je corrigerai ça quand j'utiliserai ce patron la prochaine fois. Je suis assez contente du résultat.

Comment savoir, à part le nom de l'école imprimé en velours majuscule sur le devant qu'il s'agit d'un t-shirt français? Il avait des pinces, je n'ai jamais vu ça ailleurs qu'en France! 

J'ai envoyé le t-shirt gagnant à Carlotta Stermaria, on attend les photos avec impatience.

Sewing For two : The Pertegaz Hybrid

Rocking in LA, Giles Peterson spinning tunes.

You know you've been sewing a long time when you start to refashion stuff you've made.
These skirts were made for the trip to Japan that my sister and I never made. Ten years went by, lots of wear, wash, a tear and the tight, stretch cotton, 4 pannel generic Butterick patterned skirts started showing underwear lines due to new fat deposits on the waist, gravity, flab and assorted age related occurences. They could no longer be worn as they were.
I don't mind the age, but I do mind ill fitting clothes on me. Other people can do whatever they want, I won't judge, it's way too time consuming! As a consequence of trying to fit so many garments, you end up caring very much about curving outward bulging stuff for yourself. 

Enter inspiring Pertegaz' Vogue Couturier 2567. Can you see me coming? Yep! I "Pertegazed" the skirts.

And got to look at this amazing pattern piece. Not scratch my head puzzling, but certainly interesting construction-wise. 

I lowered the waist, made a new waistband for comfort and drew this piece, which drapes the a-line a lot better than if I had used a straight on the grain strip of fabric as I intended, made the zipper invisible and got two really fun summery skirts.

Lets see how many more years we get out of these!

Refashion Master

I am refashioning at the moment and I just very quickly wanted to point you to my refashion master : Marisa from New Dress A Day.
This crazy woman, meaning extremely enthusiastic of course, says she needed a creative challenge and decided it would be a great idea to whip up 365 items of clothing, for $365 dollars in 365 days. So armed with her scissors and her machine, she turns the like of that into this every single day!  

Or that, 

Into this : 

Check out her blog, it's turbo charged with inspiration daily. 

May 3rd : Another T-Shirt

It's way too cold to bother wearing anything else than pants and a t-shirt!
It was 26° C last week and now it's 5°. I may get my sweaters out!
I look like a flasher, but really, I am not that perverted unless you say : Sewing!
(Merci Marianne!) 

May 2nd : T-Shirt Refashion

Day 2 of Me-Made-May (MMM from now on), the weather took a turn for the worst and all I am wearing is this tiny t-shirt. I made it so long ago, that it's really short on the hips and that it turned grey and I had to dye it again. But I get smiles when I wear it!
We shot (Merci Caroline!), I got my sweater and jacket back on and I went home to cut up some more XXXL t-shirts for this Burda Kimono Tee I am working on.
Go look at the Flickr Pool, there is some really pretty hand made garments there.
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