Thank You Suzanne ... Once Again

I need more storage space!
Suzanne, who says she paints now and has no time for sewing, has de-stashed again and sent 2 garbage full of fabric my way. The pile on the right is the for sure-this-is-inspiring and the one on the left is the I-dunno. The rest went back into the garbage and will be given away. Marianne is coming tomorrow to look it up as well.
As you know already, I've made some darn pretty dresses from Suzanne's fabrics as seen here, here and here and I still have some from the previous giveaway.
I am incredibly grateful she thought about me once again and look forward to more sewing.

Merci Encore Suzanne

J'ai besoin de place!
Suzanne, qui a décidé de peindre et dit qu'elle n'a plus de temps pour coudre a vidé ses armoires pleines de tissus chez moi, encore 2 grands sacs pleins de merveilles. A droite, la pile-de-tissus-qui-m'inspirent, à gauche, la je-ne-sais-pas. Le reste je vais porter chez Emmaüs avec l'espoir que ça inspirera quelqu'un d'autre. Marianne va passer demain pour voir tout ça aussi.
Comme vous le savez, j'ai fait de jolies robes, iciici et ici la dernière fois que Suzanne m'a donné du tissu et il m'en reste encore.
Vous pouvez pas savoir comment je suis reconnaissante qu'elle ait encore pensé à moi.

Stunt Dress

I am the kind of girl who has several stashes. Yes several!
I have one at my Mom's, stuff I bought when a teenager, one at home here and when I find good stuff I can't pass on the net and the seller doesn't ship to Europe, I have it shipped in the US at my brother's or in Canada at my sister's. When I visit, I fill my suitcases with it and come home.
Last summer, I got really inspired by this African wax we bought in Gabon something like 20 years ago. It's just screaming "Stunt Dress!", the kind my stunt dress mentor, Erin of A Dress A Day pulls off all the time. She sews Darth Vader, Crosswords dresses for special occasions and looks good in all of them!
I love her blog, it's funny, well written and full of really cool information. RSS it if you like sewing and dresses.
Once I have the dress, I'll have to find a place where journalists gather!

ps Erin once thought I was worthy of a post which I thought was really cool. Thank you!
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